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Malt Nutrient
- Improved Appetite
The energy, mental labour and stamina are basics of vitality. Only adequate
nutrients can maintain a robust vitality.
Malt Nutrient Is a source of vitality.
Its processing materials include malt sugar and vitamin B complex which
provide heat, enhance appetite, conducive for nutrient absorption to ensure
exuberant stamina.
Malt contains unique nutritional substances
which are easily absorbed and essential to the body especially the cerebrum
- malt sugar powder, vitamin B complex, edibile, calsium and heme.
Malt Nutrient contains a low level of
sweetness. It is delicious, easy to dissolve stable in its ingredients
and convenient to consume; it is suitable to those suffering work tension,
fatigue and excessive mental labour as well as the children, women, the
elderly and those who are weak physically.